Monday, September 13, 2010

ArtStudio – drawing, painting, photo editing 2.7 IPA Jailbreak Apps iPad

ArtStudio is a professional drawing / painting application. It uses advanced mathematics to attain the highest level of quality, at the same time offering incredible performance achieved through numerous code optimizations. It still remains a fantastic tool for beginners – it contains drawing lessons showing step-by-step instruction on drawing various types of images.

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“It doesn’t matter whether you’re a skilled artist or a newbie; ArtStudio for iPad is for you.” 5/5
“This is what PhotoShop Mobile wishes it had been.” 4/5
“When comparing it to Brushes or iSketch two of the more prominent iPhone applications it’s easy to recommend ArtStudio as it offers more features, functionality and value than either of these currently offer.”

- available canvas sizes: 768×1024, 768×768, 1024×1024, CUSTOM
- 30 BRUSHES including pencils, brushes, WET BRUSH, eraser, smudge tool, bucket fill (simple/smart, eraser), glow, tube, airbrush, 1px and many more…
- TEXT TOOL (44 fonts, settings: normal/bold/italic, left/center/right alignment, size, opacity, color)
- slots to SAVE 20 BRUSH PRESETS with names
- 17 DRAWING LESSONS (animals, human, 3d, perspective)
- DODGE/BURN with the following options: shadows/mid-tones/highlights, normal/colorize
- advanced settings offer 10 different parameters (size, opacity, fadeout, spacing, jitter, speed-based thickness, hard-edge, incremental and more) and real-time preview for all brushes
- erase mode for each brush
- simulated brush pressure
- line smoothing, antialiasing, zooming with filtering
- symmetric drawing – horizontal and vertical
- shapes: lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons (open, closed)
- innovative interface; screens can be displayed in simple or advanced mode.
- quality and performance unmatched by any other app in the app store
- 6 LAYERS with options: add/new / delete / reorder / duplicate / merge / clear / transparency / visibility
- layer transformations: ROTATE/MOVE/SCALE/FLIP with multi-touch, additional buttons to precisely set all parameters
- 9 layer blending modes: normal, multiply, add, screen, overlay, hue, saturation, color, value
- preserve transparency layer mode (so you can draw only on the visible contents of a layer)
- copy/paste layer between projects
- multi-touch navigation with unlimited zoom
- tap-and-hold to enable eyedropper
- two modes of eyedropper: sample current layer/sample all layers
- advanced color editing with customizable color swatches and real-time colorized RGB sliders
- UNDO/REDO system, with almost infinite number of steps
- image resize, change canvas size
- filters: blur, sharpen, posterize, edge detect, sepia and more…
- adjustments: brightness/contrast/exposure(gamma); hue/saturation/lightness; red/green/blue; colorize
- load/save/export to iphone gallery / import from gallery / send by e-mail
- additional “QUICK MENU” with the most frequently used functions, displayed after three-finger tap
- over 800 beautiful paintings (selected from many more) in ONLINE GALLERY

- Video Output – after you connect your iPad through Apple Component AV Cable or Apple Dock Connector to VGA adaptor, the canvas will be mirrored to external screen. Two settings available: “panscan” and “show pan/zoom also on external screen”

What’s new in Version 2.7
- added layer masks
- added incremental painting brush setting – in incremental mode (default), each brush stroke is added to the layer. In non-incremental mode brush mark is added to layer after touching up, so painting over the same area in a single stroke does not produce a cumulative result. Please set small brush opacity to see the difference.
- added image resize feature
- added changing canvas size with preview
- added “colorize” adjustment
- painting on non-visible layer does not change its content
- added tool names in brush settings popover
- few minor bugs fixed


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